4. Jack and Jill's 뮤지컬 영어 동화 1 SB with ACD/11234568956553165/97889565531602007128188 x 255Songs/Chants 노래/챈트
어린이초급Mallory LeeceHappy HouseJack and Jill Reading Series13,800원12,420원(10%할인)
7. Let's Chant Let's Sing 6 SB with ACD/1123456 79780194389204200444216 x 278Songs/Chants 노래/챈트
어린이고급Carolyn GrahamOXFORDOxford Lets Sing Lets Chant 16,500원12,870원(22%할인)
8. Let's Sing 영어동요9788966530732012120250 x 250Songs/Chants 노래/챈트
어린이초급Happy HouseHappy HouseLet's Singwith CD/213,000원11,700원(10%할인)